Join our webinar
Managing Your Portfolio: The 6 Step Process to Maintain the Portfolio You Designed

Presented by:

Wade Pfau, Ph.D., CFA, RICP
Founder of Retirement Researcher

Bob French, CFA
Director of Investment Analysis at Retirement Researcher

We all know that "staying disciplined" is one of the keys to having a good investment experience. But what does that mean on a day to day - or year to year - basis? In this webinar we'll break it down, and walk you through the 6 steps to taking your portfolio (and keeping it where you want it through time). You worked hard to design your portfolio. Learn how to keep it working hard for you.

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Choose a time and register through the link below:
Tuesday, 5/4
11:00 AM ET
Wednesday, 5/5
11:00 AM ET
Tuesday, 5/4
2:00 PM ET
Wednesday, 5/5
2:00 PM ET